Extracção de lítio em centrais de energia geotérmica

No fórum geral debatem-se temas sobre as energias renováveis e alternativeis que não se encaixem nos restantes sub fóruns.
Também serve para discutir formas de melhorar a eficiência energética.

Autor do tópico
Membro Silver
Membro Silver
Mensagens: 439
Registado: terça abr 23, 2013 9:50 pm

Extracção de lítio em centrais de energia geotérmica

Mensagem por pedrosilva »

O lítio está cada vez mais caro e as fontes principais estão longe da Europa e dominadas pela China. Com o surgimento de tecnologia para extraír lítio das centrais de energia geotérmica, será de reanalisar as contas da energia geotérmica nos Açores ? Será que a composição dos fluídos dessas centrais é rica em lítio?

Extracção de lítio em centrais geotérmicas no UK, Alemanha e Califórnia:

https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy ... f-lithium/
A geothermal power plant in the UK has discovered the highest concentration of lithium ever found in geothermal fluid, opening the door to a new business model for the renewable energy source.

Third-party tests carried out this summer revealed more than 250 milligrams of lithium – a critical metal for the green transition – per litre of the fluid used to transfer heat from under the Earth.

Once these are online, the company expects to extract 4,000 tonnes of lithium annually,

Law’s company is trialling zero carbon methods to remove the lithium from the fluid, and is currently capable of achieve extraction rates of 95%, he says.
https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy ... from-2025/
By 2025, Vulcan Energy plans to extract emission-free 40,000 tonnes of lithium hydroxide from the Upper Rhine Valley – enough to supply batteries for the equivalent of about one million cars per year.
https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti ... mal-waste/
could produce as much as 600,000 tons of lithium annually.

That is more lithium than the United States currently uses. It could bring in $7.2 billion a year, and that could just be the beginning of expected economic benefits. The global demand for lithium is expected to grow as much as tenfold by 2030.

Autor do tópico
Membro Silver
Membro Silver
Mensagens: 439
Registado: terça abr 23, 2013 9:50 pm

Re: Extracção de lítio em centrais de energia geotérmica

Mensagem por pedrosilva »

Departamento da Energia dos EUA tem laboratórios já a testar novo método de extracção de lítio a partir de líquidos, incluindo líquidos geotérmicos

https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/researc ... rom-water/
At the heart of the process are magnetic nanoparticles surrounded by an adsorbent shell that latches onto the lithium and other metals found in water that is used in various industrial processes. That includes the water in geothermal power plants, known as geothermal brines, or water pulled from the subsurface during oil or gas production.
Geothermal boost and beyond

If this technology were deployed at geothermal plants, the value of recovered lithium could potentially increase the cost-effectiveness of this form of clean renewable energy, which uses water to capture the heat deep below the Earth’s surface and then converts it into green electricity.

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Re: Extracção de lítio em centrais de energia geotérmica

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